Monday, November 10, 2008

Genesis (Not The Band)

Today is the first day of Warm Tubes and Tweed, the newest music blog to hit the airwaves. It will be updated regularly with songs, artists, stories, vintage album reviews, and recommendations from yours truly.

There is something magical about going to a concert and watching the roadies walk on stage and dismantle the opening bands rig as they setup the headliners gear. With each guitar that is tuned up, each amp that is plugged in, and each keyboard that is checked comes the thought, "Will that instrument teach me something tonight?" I have been to countless concerts where I have become completely lost in the experience, the melodies, the textures, and the rhythms laid out. On this blog, I have no predetermined guidlines about what will appear other than I hope each visit by a guest will simulate in a small way the experience of going to a concert and hearing something new and falling in love with another artist, another song, or another sound.

On occassion I might have trusted friends fill in for me if they have something that they would like to submit and it meets my tastes and standards.

Please subscribe and check back often. Tickets will be collected at the door.

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